
Your mind fuck lasted exactly one second and 20 frames. You reached into my mouth and touched my intestines. It flew me back to Skyway on your couch looking into your vodka soaked eyes. Eyes that I noticed were now noticing my womanhood. The shock that it registered in you traveled through your body into your feet, which caused you to step back away from me. But your eyes unexpectedly pulled me inside of your chest. And it almost, although not quite, but almost reversed our longstanding roles. Roles that I now realize were never very clear. I blamed, like everyone else, myself for my retardedness. This proved to me that I was never alone, although you made me feel so. Skyway made me feel like I could go into a coma for six months and it would be worth it. Maybe I should have, because the pain that followed was more than my 18 year old self could handle. And now my 24 year old feet are bolted to the floor and my 24 year old shoulders are straight to your eyes, which never shift away from mine. Your mind fuck lasted exactly one second and 20 frames, and it felt very empowering.


c. mlh 2000